Optimal main pulse angle
for different pre-plasma conditions in transient collisionally
pumped x-ray lasers
D. Ursescu, B. Zielbauer, T. Kühl, P. Neumayer, G.
Phys. Rev. E 75,
045401(R) (2007)
Microscopic cluster model for exotic
M. Tomaselli, T. Kuehl, D. Ursescu
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics,
(2007), in press
Electromagnetic Confined Plasma
Target for Interaction Studies with Intense Laser Fields;
D. Schneider , J. McDonald, B. Zielbauer, D. Ursescu,
U. Spillmann, Th. Stöhlker, T. Kühl, T. Schenkel, G. Andler, E. Lindroth,
and R. Schuch;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research B, 2007,
Optimization of the non-normal
incidence, transient pumped plasma X-ray laser for laser spectroscopy and
plasma diagnostics at the facility for antiproton and ion research (FAIR)
PART BEAMS 25 (1): 93-97 MAR 2007
Kuehl T, Ursescu D, Bagnoud V, Javorkova D, Rosmej O, Cassou K, Kazamias S, Klisnick A, Ros D, Nickles P, Zielbauer B, Dunn
J , Neumayer P, Pert G
Optimization toward a
high-average-brightness soft-x-ray laser pumped at grazing incidence
Cassou K, Kazamias S, Ros D, Ple F, Jamelot G, Klisnick A , Lundh O, Lindau F, Persson A, Wahlstrom CG, de Rossi S, Joyeux
D, Zielbauer B, Ursescu
D, Kuhl T
OPT LETT 32 (2): 139-141 JAN 15 2007
High-cadence XUV laser pupmped by titanium laser: Saphir,
towards the LASERIX station
Kazamias S, Cassou K , Ros D, Ple F, Jamelot G, Klisnick A , Lundh O, Lindau F, Persson A, Wahlstrom CG, de Rossi S, Joyeux
D, Zielbauer B, Ursescu
D, Kuhl T
DE PHYSIQUE IV 138: 13-19 DEC 2006
Correlated EoM
and distributions for A = 6 nuclei
Tomaselli M, Kuhl T , Ursescu D, Fritzsche S
981-982 NOV 2006 ; PROG THEOR PHYS 116 (4): 699-723 OCT 2006
PHELIX - Status and first
Kuehl T, Bock R, Borneis S, Brambrink E, Brand H, Caird
J, Campbell EM, Cassou K, Gaul E, Goette S, Haefner C, Hahn T, Heuck HM, Hoffmann DHH, Javarkova
D, Klisnick A, Kluge HJ, Kunzer
S, Merz T, Neumayer P, Nickles P, Perry MD, Reemts D, Ros D, Roth M, Samek S, Sandner W, Schaumann G, Schrader F, Seelig
W, Tauschwitz A, Thiel
R, Ursescu D, Wiewior
P, Wittrock U, Zielbauer
Symbolic algorithms for the
computation of Moshinsky brackets and nuclear
matrix elements
Ursescu D, Tomaselli M, Kuehl T, Fritzsche S
140-161 DEC 15 2005
Status of PHELIX laser and first
Neumayer P, Bock R, Borneis S, Brambrink E, Brand H, Caird
J, Campbell EM, Gaul E, Goette S, Haefner C, Hahn T, Heuck HM,
Hoffmann DHH, Javorkova D, Kluge HJ, Kuehl T, Kunzer S, Merz T, Onkels E, Perry MD, Reemts D, Roth M, Samek S, Schaumann G, Schrader F, Seelig
W, Tauschwitz A, Thiel
R, Ursescu D, Wiewior
P, Wittrock U, Zielbauer
SEP 2005
Laser cladding of MMC coatings on
aluminium substrate: influence of composition and
micro structure on mechanical properties
Dubourg L, Ursescu D, Hlawka F, Cornet A
WEAR 258 (11-12): 1745-1754 JUN 2005
Charge radii of exotic nuclei:
nuclear results versus isotopic shift calculations
Tomaselli M, Liu LC, Fritzsche S, Kuhl T, Ursescu D, Neumayer P, Wojtaszek A
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 746: 587C-590C DEC 27 2004
Cluster transformation
coefficients in many-body nuclear physics
Tomaselli M, Liu LC, Fritzsche S, Kuhl T, Ursescu D
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 738: 216-220 JUN 28 2004
Transient collisionally
excited X-ray laser in nickel-like zirconium pumped with the PHELIX laser
Neumayer P, Seelig W, Cassou K, Klisnick A, Ros D, Ursescu D, Kuehl T, Borneis S, Gaul E, Geithner
W, Haefner C, Wiewior P
(7-8): 957-959 MAY 2004
coefficients for structure and dynamics calculations in n-particle systems:
atoms, nuclei and quarks
Tomaselli M, Liu
LC, Kuhl T, Nortershauser
W, Ursescu D, Fritzsche
Correlations in a Non-Linear and
Non-Perturbative N-Body Theory;
Marco Tomaselli,
Lon-chang Liu, Daniel Ursescu,
Thomas Kuehl, Stephan Fritzsche;
Rom. Journ. Phys., Vol.
50, Nos. 3–4, P. 401–416, Bucharest,
Contributions at conferences and workshops
D. Ursescu, T. Kühl, C. Bischoff, D. Zimmer,V.
Bagnoud, D. Javorkova, O. Rosmej, K. Cassou, S. Kazamias, A. Klisnick, D.
Ros, B. Zielbauer, K. Janulewicz, P. Nickles, J. Dunn, P. Neumayer, G. Pert,
and the PHELIX team; Plasma shaping techniques for XRL 27th International
Workshop on Physics of High Energy Density in Matter January 29 - February
3, 2006, Waldemar-Petersen-Haus, Hirschegg, Austria (talk). |
Daniel Ursescu, Paul Neumayer, Thomas Kuehl,
Stefan Borneis, Erhard Gaul, Wolfgang Geithner, Constantin Haefner, Piotr
Wiewior, Kevin Cassou, David Ros, Annie Klisnick, Peter Nickles; Towards
high repetition rate transient collisionally pumped x-ray laser;
DPG-Fruhjahrstagung, Muenchen 2004, a.5.5; Verhandlung der DPG, (talk) |
Daniel Ursescu, Bernhard Zielbauer, Paul
Neumayer, Thomas Kühl, Vincent Bagnoud,
Klaus Witte, James Dunn, David Ros, Annie Klisnick and the PHELIX team;
Scaling x-ray laser wavelengths down to water window range with PHELIX
;Workshop: Theory of Short Pulse Petawatt Laser Plasma Interaction; October
16-18, 2005, Darmstadt (talk) |
Daniel Ursescu, Vincent Bagnoud, Dasa Javorkova,
Thomas Kühl, Paul Neumayer, Olga Rosmej, Klaus Witte, Peter Nickles,
Bernhard Zielbauer, James Dunn, Sophie Kazamias, Annie Klisnick, David Ros,
and the PHELIX team; Prospects for a sub 10 nm wavelength x-ray laser at
PHELIX; 26th International Workshop on Physics of High Energy Density in
Matter January 29 - February 3, 2006, Waldemar-Petersen-Haus, Hirschegg,
Austria (talk) |
Daniel Ursescu, Bernhard Zielbauer, Paul
Neumayer, Thomas Kuehl, Peter Nickles, Kevin Cassou, David Ros, Annie
Klisnick, and James Dunn; GRIP Ni-like Zr x-ray laser with PHELIX at GSI DPG-Fruhjahrstagung,
Augsburg, Germany, March 2006 (talk) |
D. Ursescu, D. Zimmer, T. Kühl, B. Zielbauer,
G.J. Pert; Gain generation in the critical density region of a TCE XRL;
International conference on X-ray Lasers 10, Berlin, August 2006 (talk +
poster + other 3 contributions) |
D. Ursescu, Vincent Bagnoud, Dasa Javorkova,
Thomas Kühl, Paul Neumayer,
Olga Rosmej, Klaus Witte, Peter Nickles, Bernhard Zielbauer, James Dunn,
Kevin Cassou, Sophie Kazamias, Annie Klisnick, David Ros; Absorption
Characteristics in Non-normal Incidence Pumped X-Ray Lasers; European
Physics Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Roma, 2006 (poster). |
D. Ursescu, B. Zielbauer, D. Zimmer, T. Kühl, G.
Pert; Laser-induced over-critical density shock waves, Physics of Non-ideal
Plasmas Darmstadt, 12 Sept. 2006 (poster) |
Thomas Kuehl, Kevin Cassou, Dasa Javorkova,
Annie Klisnick, Peter Nickles, Paul Neumayer, David Ros, Daniel Ursescu,
Bernhard Zielbauer, Stefan Borneis, Erhard Gaul, Wolfgang Geithner,
Constantin Haefner, Piotr Wiewior; Transient collisionally excited Ni-like
Zr X-ray laser at GSI-Darmstadt
Lasernet XRL Workshop, Prague, September 1st 2005, (contribution to talk) |
D. Ursescu; Safety and radiation protection
issues in laser-ion experiments with PHELIX; Workshop on Radiation Safety at
Ultra-High Intensity Lasers, Prague, August 31, 2005 (invited talk) |
P. Neumayer, D. Ursescu, Th. Kuehl et al.,
Ni-like zirconium laser, LASERNET Task 2 Strategies to Increase the Spectral
Range, Biarritz, France, October 16, 2003 (contribution to talk) |
Daniel Ursescu, Paul Neumayer, Marco Tomaselli,
Lon-chang Liu, Thomas Kuehl, and Stephan Fritzsche; Li-like Uranium;
DPG-Fruhjahrstagung, Hannover 2003, a.1.5; Verhandlung der DPG (talk) |
P. Neumayer, W. Seelig, K. Cassou, A. Klisnick,
D. Ros, D. Ursescu, T. Kühl, S. Borneis, E. Gaul, W. Geithner, C. Häfner, P.
Transient collisionally excited x-ray laser in nickel-like zirconium pumped
with the PHELIX laser facility
Applications of High Field and Short Wavelength Sources X (October 13-15,
2003), (poster)
C. Braxmaier, H. Mueller, S. Herrmann, J. Mlynek,
A. Peters, D. Ursescu, S. Schiller; Testing the foundations of Relativity
using cryogenic optical resonators , 6th Symposium of Frequency Standards
and Metrology - St. Andrews, U.K., Sept. 2001 (contribution ). |
Other contributions
D. Ursescu; Povestea unui fizician, in volumul Povestea Revenirii mele , brosura CNCSIS 2008.
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