Research domains
High power pulsed lasers development and experiments
Laser micromachining
Laser nanostructuring
X-ray Laser developement
Ongoing Projects
SIMULATE - ELI RO Program (2017 - 2019)
"Simulations of Ultra-High Intensity Laser Pulse Interaction with Solid Targets" - SIMULATE
Project no. MNET17 / NMCS0114 - MANUNET Program (2018 - 2020)
"Optical Limiter Device based on Innovative Graphene Derived Materials" - MANUNET
Finalized Projects
ISOTEST - ANCS/NASR 2010 - 2013
"Facility for laser beam diagnosis and ISO characterization /
certification of behavior of optical components /
materials subjected to high power laser beams "
UFOUV - UEFISCDI 2012 - 2015
"Ultrafast laser Facility with Optimized high order harmonics UltraViolet sources "
DYLIPSS - UEFISCDI PN-II-ID-JRP-2011-2-7RO-FR (2013 - 2015)
"Dynamics of Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures" - DYLIPSS
IDEI33 - UEFISCDI Program IDEI(2013 - 2016)
"Probing the mechanism of nanostructures formation on ultrafast timescales" - IDEI33
FEMAT - PNCDI 2 - D1-11030/18.09.2007 (2007-2010)
"Advanced femtosecond laser system for metamaterials and photonic crystals nanostructuring"
IDEAS - PN-II-ID-PCE-2008-2 596/2008 (2008-2011)
MULTITERA- PNCDI 2 (2008-2009)
"Multi-Terawatt laser system with femtosecond laser pulses and high repletion rate"
TEWALAS - PNCDI 2 (2007-2009)
"Terawatt femtosecond laser infrastructure"
IDEAS - PN-II-ID-PCE-2007-1 268/2007 (2007-2010)
"Study of deterministic nanostructuring methodes"
Reintegration Grant - PNCDI 2 (2007-2009)
"Development of an CPA amplifier and X-ray Lasers"
NANOLAS - CEEX-C39 (2005-2008)
"Picosecond and femtosecond laser systems for applications in nanotechnologies"
CEEX-5848 (2006-2008)
"Planar photonic structure obtained by pulsed laser deposition method"
Reintegration Grant CEEX-1492 (2006-2007)
"Study of Photonic Nanostructures By Ultrafast Laser Pulses"
International Projects
LASERLAB2 Europe - FP7
LASERACT - EVK4-CT-2002-00096 (2003-2006)
"Laser multitask non destructive technology in conservation diagnostic procedures "