


Research Projects in progress

2005-2008 NANOLAS - CEEX2005

Participation in previous Research Projects

-  Participation in the COST P2 action, “Application of non-linear optical phenomena” in the frame of a Romanian project 1998-1999
-  Co-manager PHARE-TTQM project, “Laser device for surface cleaning”, 2000
-  Manager National Program Project, “Artworks renovation technologies with solid state laser in enhanced free-running regime”, 1999-2003
-  Manager as Romanian partner EUREKA project, “E!2542 RENOVA-LASER”, 2002-2004
-  Participation in the FP5 action, “EVK-2001-00279 LASERACT”, 2003-2005
-  Participation in the national research program CEEX 2005 in the frame of NANOLAS Project; 2005-2008