Research Projects


"Terawatt femtosecond laser infrastructure "

The high power laser systems of the 1980-1990 years were based on the amplification of nanosecond laser pulses in high dimensions solid state active media up to kJ level pulse energy. Since 1990 the increasing of pulse power is achieved by the development of new oscillator-amplifier laser systems, shortening the pulse duration in hundreds-tens femtosecond domain. In the last years some research laser infrastructures with high power, 10^12-10^15 W (TW-PW), with pulses of 10-20 femtoseconds were built in advanced technological countries. Focusing such laser beams at the diffraction limit, over 10^20W/cm2 power densities were obtained and in the range of relativistic optics where the free electrons almost reach the light speed. These laser systems are used worldwide in innovative experiments like: attosecond pulses emission by generation of high order harmonics in atomic gases (1 attosecond = 10^-18 sec); real time registration of the dynamics of the electrons at atomic level; electron beams generation with energies in MeV up to GeV domains; particles acceleration in the plasma generated by intense laser field; MeV protons generation; fsec duration X beams generation. New medical and industrial applications were found: cancer treatment with ions or protons beams; radioactive waste treatment by nuclear transmuting in intense laser field to smaller half-life elements. INFLPR has under operation since 2006 a femtosecond laser system with an average power of (3-4 GW) and 200 fs pulse duration. Some technological applications were initiated: metallic films micro-processing; nanostructures photo-polymerization in transparent materials at the laser wavelength by multi-photon absorbtion; micro/nano-structures manufacturing of metamaterials and photonic crystals. The project main objective is to bring up-to-date the existing research fast lasers infrastructure of INFLPR. The main specific objective is the development until 2009 of a 20-30 femtosecond RD laser infrastructure with 15-20 mJ pulse energy and pulse power of terrawatt level - TEWALAS. Other objectives in connection with this research laser infrastructure: participation to European research programmes; development of some laser research and applications for the first time in Romania; training of young researchers and graduated students; reintegration of young researchers working abroad. The TEWALAS infrastructure project is closed tied to the Pan-European infrastructure project Extreme Light Infrastructure- ELI (ELI) where INFLPR is a contractor among 13 European countries and LASERLAB 2 European Project. TEWALAS infrastructure project acquires a decisive importance for fulfilling the objectives assumed by INFLPR in the framework of the Pan-European ELI-Preparatory Phase project, technical development and establishment of infrastructure location. Till the end of 2009 year, TEWALAS will be developed as a 20-TW femtosecond laser facility to be used by Romanian and foreign researchers for the common work in the frame of national and European research projects.


Project Coordinator
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR)

Project manager: Dr. Razvan DABU (dabu)

Scientific managers: Dr. Marian ZAMFIRESCU (zamfirescu) and Dr. Daniel URSESCU (ursescu)