
Laser Department,
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
Bucharest, Atomistilor 409
P.O.Box MG-36
077125 ROMANIA
Tel/Fax : +40 2 1 457.50.66


Research projects:

NANOLAS - CEEX2005 343 (2005-2008)
"Picosecond and femtosecond laser systems for applications in nanotechnologies"
Development of laser systems generating picosecond and femtosecond laser pulses, in order to provide high-performance photonic tools for micro- and nano-technologies.

CERES 4-119 / 2004 (2004-2006)
"Study and development of emitting light devices for eye-safe spectral range"

CERES 4-165 / 2004 (2004-2006)
“Studiul si dezvoltarea unui sistem laser cu emisie in unda continua in albastru pentru terapie fotodinamica”

CERES 4-136 / 2004 (2004-2006)
 “ Microprocesare prin gaurire cu laser Nd:YAG a cristalelor dure”

CERES 4-16 / 2004 (2004-2006)
“ Modelarea efectelor care au loc la interactia fasciculelor laser ultraintense cu materialele”

Partner in other projects

CEEX2005 1 (2005-2008)
“Tehnologii integrate pentru aplicatii industriale urmarind integrarea cunostintelor si tehnologiilor noi, nanomaterialelor si proceselor de productie in aplicatii sectoriale si intersectoriale”

NUCLEU PN 03 (2006-2008)
“Dezvoltarea de structuri microlaser de mare intensitate pentru procesarea materialelor. Modelarea unor fenoemene specifice de interactie a fasciculelor optice intense cu materialele”

LASERACT EVK4-CT-2002-00096 (2003-2006)
“Laser multitask non destructive technology in conservation diagnostic procedures”





NILRP April 2005